
Banking Laws [5th Edition,2022] by RN Chaudhary

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ISBN: 9789384961916

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This scholarly work on the “Banking Laws” provides an in-depth analysis on all aspects of the subject. It provides a coherent and comprehensive overview of basic principles of Banking Law and various legislations which include The Banking Regulation Act, 1949; Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. Important topics such as Computer Banking: E- Banking and Banking Services and Consumer Law have also been covered. A special chapter on Banking Terminology has also been added for the convenience of students. This book would serve as an excellent reference for the students of law and competitive examinations, bankers, businessman and to all associated with legal profession. CHAPTERIZATION

Chapter I- Early History of Banking

Chapter II- Banking- Definition Common Law and Statutory

Chapter III- Commercial Banks

Chapter IV- Banks and Customer Relations

Chapter V- Special Features of Relationship between Banker and Customer

Chapter VI- Customer’s Accounts and Banks

Chapter VII- Capital and Share Capital

Chapter VIII- Loans and Advances

Chapter IX- Management of Banking Companies

Chapter X- Letters of Credit (Documentary Credit)

Chapter XI- Computer Banking: E-Banking

Chapter XII- Banking Ombudsman

Chapter XIII- Reserve Bank of India

Chapter XIV- Negotiable Instruments Act- Introduction

Chapter XV- Parties to Notes, Bills, Cheques and their Liabilities

Chapter XVI- Negotiation

Chapter XVII- Presentment

Chapter XVIII- Crossing of Cheques

Chapter XIX- Law of Dishonour of Cheques

Chapter XX- Banking Services and Consumer Law

Annexure- Banking Terminology





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